Our Services
Elizabeth offers consulting either by the hour, weekly or monthly depending on what caregiving needs you may have.
$150 for a 50 minute session.
This is ideal for a family or caregiver who is worried about their loved one and is not sure if their loved one could be experiencing memory loss due to Alzheimer’s or another related dementia. It is also helpful once a family has received a diagnosis to help better understand what the road ahead may entail.
$250 for (2) 50 minute sessions per month
This is for families or caregivers who feel that they need more regular support or check ins to answer questions they feel their doctor does not have time to address, or issues that pop up that they aren’t sure how to tackle on their own. This can also be helpful for establishing accountability for self care measures.
$400 for (4) 50 minute sessions per month
This is for family caregivers who are in the throws of this disease as full time caregivers and want the comfort of knowing once a week they will talk to someone who can answer their questions, or find them answers if they don’t have them and be an emotional support system for them inside the hardest parts of Alzheimer’s.